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Benefits and Side Effects of Phyllanthus Urinaria

Some of the benefits of the Phyllanthus Urinaria plant include overcoming bladder stones, dysentery, ulcers, swelling, and other diseases related to the health of the genital organs.  The efficacy of this Phyllanthus Urinaria plant is still being tested by scientists.

Phyllanthus Urinaria is part of the genus Phyllantus.  This small leafy plant with seeds on the underside of the leaf is a plant that is easily found in South Asia and Southeast Asia.

In ayurvedic techniques, the plant genus phyllanthus is commonly used as an alternative medicine to treat liver diseases, digestive and bladder related diseases.

Phyllanthus Urinaria plant extract products are easy to find in the form of supplements, teas, tinctures, or dried leaves for decoction.

Traditional medicine and alternative medicine generally use this plant as a medicinal ingredient.  The question is, are the claims for the benefits of the Phyllanthus Urinaria plant supported by scientific evidence?
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Efficacy of Phyllanthus Urinaria as Traditional Medicine

Like guava, phyllanthus plants are commonly used as the main ingredients of health supplements.  The reason is that Phyllanthus Urinaria contains phytochemical compounds that have benefits for improving the performance of the digestive system, liver, and kidneys.

This study states that the Phyllanthus Urinaria plant is able to increase the frequency of urination, kill harmful bacteria and viruses, and relieve inflammation in the body.

The benefits of Phyllanthus Urinaria for health based on the claims of traditional herbal medicine activists are to help relieve the condition of disease patients:

 Constipation or difficult bowel movements
 Sore throat
 High blood pressure
 Kidney stones
 Tuberculosis (TB)
 Infections, including infections caused by sexual intercourse
 Water retention

The claim of Phyllanthus Urinaria efficacy above still requires further evidence and research from scientists.  However, there are several benefits of the Phyllanthus Urinaria plant that have been proven by laboratory trials.

Benefits of Phyllanthus Urinaria Based on Scientific Evidence

When consuming herbal plants or plant extracts for treatment, consumers are required to pay attention to the claims that arise.

Claims for the benefits of these herbal plants must be accompanied by laboratory research evidence and supported by accurate data.

The following are some facts about the benefits of Phyllanthus Urinaria when tested with modern science.

#1.  Kidney stones

Phyllanthus Urinaria is known to cure kidney stones.  This study states that the meniran plant is alkaline so it has the possibility to prevent acid kidney stones.

Consuming Phyllanthus Urinarua makes the body excrete urine more often thereby preventing the formation of kidney stones.

Consuming this plant as kidney stone solutions are cheaper than buying drugs at the pharmacy.

 #2.  Bacterial Infections in the Stomach

If the stomach infection caused by the bacterium Helicobacter pylori is left untreated, it will end up with ulcer disease or gastritis.

Scientists state that Phyllanthus Urinaria may have benefits to help the healing process.

This study states that laboratory tests gave positive results on bacteria that cause ulcer infection when tested in vitro.

However, scientists still do not know the effectiveness of the benefits of Phyllanthus Urinaria when consumed by humans in supplement form.

This is because in vitro trials usually involve phyllanthus plant extracts in high concentrations.  While urinaria herbal supplements usually do not have a lower concentration level.

#3.  High blood pressure

This study states that Phyllanthus Urinaria contains antioxidants to increase fasting blood sugar levels which are useful for regulating glucose levels in the body.

 #4.  Bladder Stones

In addition to overcoming kidney stones, Phyllanthus Urinaria has benefits for bladder health.  Scientists say that Phyllantus Urinaria has alkaline properties to prevent bladder stones.

However, there is still no scientific evidence that supports the use of Phyllanthus Urinaria to treat and prevent bladder stones.

 #5.  Joint Pain or Arthritis

Joint pain or gout is caused by high levels of uric acid in the blood.  Consuming Phyllanthus Urinaria is believed to be able to maintain uric acid levels and prevent gout.

Research involving laboratory animals shows the same results.  Uric acid levels decreased after receiving Phyllanthus Urinaria extract supplements.

#6.  Liver Disorder

Phyllanthus Urinaria contains antioxidants that improve liver function and protect the liver from cell damage caused by free radicals.

In addition, in vitro trials have shown that the Phyllanthus Urinaria plant has health benefits for patients with hepatitis B, an inflammatory viral infection of the liver.

 #7.  High blood pressure

This study shows an indication that the Phyllanthus Urinaria plant is beneficial for relaxing blood vessels.  As a result, the plant is useful for lowering blood pressure.

However, research involving volunteers stated that consumption of the Phyllanthus Urinaria plant was able to increase blood pressure levels, although slightly.

Phyllanthus Urinaria Consumption Dosage

What is the recommended dose of Phyllanthus Urinaria consumption? 

According to scientists, the consumption of Phyllanthus Urinaria to cure kidney stones needs the right dose.

The recommended dose is taking 4.5 grams of Phyllanthus Urinaria powder for 12 weeks.  Generally, Phyllanthus Urinaria supplements contain 500 mg to 1,600 mg of Phyllanthus Urinaria powder.

Urinaria Phyllanthus Extract can be taken before or after meals.

Side Effects of Consuming Phyllanthus Urinaria

In addition to the benefits, the Phyllanthus Urinaria plant has side effects if consumed by humans.  Some of the known side effects include:

 Abdominal pain
 Painful urination
 Blood in urine

Consuming the Phyllanthus Urinaria plant can lower blood sugar levels and blood pressure.  According to this study, consumers who take blood sugar and blood pressure lowering drugs on a regular basis should be careful when consuming meniran.

Phyllanthus Urinaria Plant Interaction with Other Drugs

Patients who have certain health conditions are advised to consult a doctor before taking supplements or herbal medicines derived from the Phyllanthus Urinaria plant.

Therefore, the consumption of Phyllanthus Urinaria may cause negative interactions with other drugs.  The following are drugs that must be taken daily when taking Phyllanthus Urinaria:

 Antidiabetic drugs including insulin
 Antihypertensive drugs


The Phyllanthus Urinaria plant has properties to treat kidney stones, high blood pressure, bladder stones, gout, liver disorders, and high blood pressure.

Ayurvedic medicine and traditional herbal medicine generally use the Phyllanthus Urinaria plant as the main ingredient to treat diseases related to digestive and bladder problems.

Some of the benefits of the Phyllanthus Urinaria plant have been clinically proven through laboratory trials.  These studies are generally in vitro or carried out in test tubes.

Researchers have not done many trials of the benefits of the Phyllanthus Urinaria plant on humans.  Although there is no scientific evidence regarding the efficacy of the Phyllanthus Urinaria plant for human health, it does not mean that this plant does not have benefits.

Not many researchers have tested the efficacy of this plant on humans due to lack of resources and funding.

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