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Lemongrass for Medication: Directions for Use and How to Grow It

Lemongrass for Medication

Based on experience lemongrass can be used as a urine laxative, sweat laxative, phlegm laxative or cough medicine, an ingredient for gargling, body warmer, wind laxative in the stomach, appetite enhancer, post-partum treatment and reduce fever and spasms.


Lemongrass contains citral, citronellol, pinen kamfen, sabinen, mirsen p-simen, limonene, borneol and others.

The part of lemongrass that can be used for medicine is the root.

Directions for Use

For all the above remedies, prepare 5 grams of fresh lemongrass root, washed and boiled with 1 cup of water for 15 minutes.  Then drink twice a day each half a glass in the morning and evening.

How to Grow it

Like phyllanthus urinaria lemongrass is a type of medicinal plant that is widely cultivated in Asia, such as India, Sri Lanka and especially Indonesia.  Then actually how to plant lemongrass that is good and right so that it doesn't rot easily?  Here's a guide for you to understand further.

Tips for Growing Lemongrass from Seeds

Lemongrass seeds germinate easily in humid environmental conditions.  Therefore, seeds should be sown at the end of winter.

For growing lemongrass in the rainy season, you can use a plastic tray topped with air vents when seedlings emerge by 1 inch.  The tools and materials needed to grow lemongrass in pots include soil, pots, lemongrass seeds, plastic, a knife to make ventilation holes in the plastic.

Prepare bright environmental conditions for growing lemongrass from this seed, because the plant needs a lot of light to carry out photosynthesis.  Next, fill the pot that you will use with soil or peat planting media.

After the planting medium is ready, then sprinkle 2-3 lemongrass seeds with a depth of inch of soil in each planting pot.  Sprinkle the seeds with soil a little at a time so that the soil does not cover the seeds from light and germination occurs quickly.

Lemongrass seeds that have grown about 7.5 cm, usually have a hard surface.  Seedlings can be directly transferred to the garden with a temperature of 50 degrees Fahrenheit.  Lemongrass seeds usually grow a lot at the same time.  You can transplant only the best seeds or plant them all.

Tips for Growing Lemongrass in Water Media

Next, you also need to learn how to grow lemongrass using water media.  For the first step, take a new lemongrass stalk in the pot, then cut off the top of the leaf.  Make sure the base of the stem is intact so that the roots can grow and sprout easily.

The tools and materials used to grow lemongrass with water include a medium-sized glass, freshly cut lemongrass leaves from the pot (without roots), and clean water as a planting medium.

Insert the stem of the lemongrass plant at the bottom end of the base then just put it in a glass that has been filled with water as much as 2.5-5 cm.  Change the water at least every 3-4 days and place the glass containing the lemongrass plant in a bright place so that it is easily exposed to sunlight.

About two to three weeks the lemongrass leaves will grow and shoots will appear at the roots.  Leave it for about 1 month, then it can be moved in a pot or garden.

Easy Tips for Caring for Lemongrass Plants

After understanding how to grow lemongrass in soil and water media, then you need to know how to take care of it so that lemongrass can grow optimally.  The way that can be done is by watering and fertilizing.

Lemongrass can be watered twice a day, because this plant tends to wilt easily and the leaves turn yellow if there is a lack of water.  Fertilization can be done when the lemongrass is 4 weeks, 8 weeks, and 16 weeks using ordinary fertilizer.  Fertilizers can be buried on the edges of plants that are covered with a little soil,

Fertilization in water media can be done using liquid fertilizer as much as 3 ml at the age of 4,8,16 weeks.  The next treatment is done by pulling weeds around the lemongrass plants so as not to block the light or trigger the emergence of pests on the plants.

Pests must be eradicated immediately using sufficient pesticides.  After 8-10 months old, lemongrass can be harvested.

For harvesting, the rhizome of the tuber is removed up to the stem of the lemongrass using a knife.  Avoid harvesting lemongrass from the roots so that lemongrass can still be harvested in the next days.

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