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All About Physalis Peruviana or CIPLUKAN

Ciplukan or Physalis Peruviana is kind of weed, ordo Solonales and family Solonaceae. It can live for 1 year, upright up to 1 m. Ciplukan is the name of this plant for Indonesia. Beside gotu kola, ciplukan is now also popular as a healing alternative.

The efficacy of ciplukan is to treat diabetes mellitus, lung disease, epilepsy and ulcers.

The content in ciplukan is citric acid, fisalin, malic acid, alkaloids, tannins, vitamin C and sugar.

The parts used are all parts of the plant.

Directions for Use

1. Diabetes mellitus

Remove the ciplukan tree that has been fruitful and its roots and clean it.  Make it wilted and boil with 3 cups of water until it boils until only 1 cup remains.  Strain and drink 1 time a day.

2. Lung pain

Boil the ciplukan tree complete with roots, stems, leaves, flowers and fruit with 3 to 5 cups of water until it boils.  Strain and drink three times a day 1 cup.

3. Epilepsy

Take 8 to 10 ripe ciplukan fruit.  Eat every day on a regular basis.

4. Ulcers

Take a handful of ciplukan leaves, mash until smooth.  Add 2 tablespoons of whiting water.  Glue the part of the body that suffers from ulcers.

How to Grow Peruviana or Ciplukan

Ciplukan plants were initially only considered as wild plants in rice fields by some people.  However, it turns out that ciplukan has so many benefits for health that it is now widely planted and cultivated.  Here's how to plant ciplukan with the correct method.

The Process of Planting Ciplukan in Pots

For the cultivation of ciplukan in pots, it is better to use a large pot size so that the plants are easy to grow and the roots spread over a wider area.  The pots used can be in the form of a plastic bucket or large polybag.

Next, prepare fine soil that contains sufficient nutrients.  If the soil is hard and coarse, it should be crushed and sifted first.  Mix the soil with sand, husks, and sawdust to make the planting medium easy to harden and compact.

After that, place the pot in a shady area with sufficient sunlight conditions, to further facilitate the photosynthesis process.  Also set the distance between one pot with another pot about 40-50 cm so that there is no competition for light on the plant.

At the irrigation stage, you should first pay attention to the condition of the water in the pot.  If it is still saturated and wet, the water should be watered a little, because the roots of the ciplukan are easily rotten if they are inundated for a long time.  Watering is generally done 2-3 times a day with moderate water intensity.

In addition, it is often found around ciplukan plants given a layer of plastic or mulch (straw).  The goal is to prevent weeds from growing around the ciplukan plant.

Dense weeds can inhibit root nutrients to all plant tissues.  If this happens, eventually ciplukan will not grow optimally.

 Pests that are often encountered in ciplukan plants include fruit flies, uret, caterpillars and aphids.  The treatment was carried out by spraying insecticides.  Spraying of insecticides can be carried out in the planting holes with sufficient doses so as not to cause poisoning to the ciplukan plants.

How to Plant Ciplukan on Large Land

The large planting area that will be used to plant ciplukan must meet several special criteria so that ciplukan plants can thrive.  These criteria include the following.


The land should be exposed to sufficient sunlight.  Ciplukan plants themselves should be exposed to light intensity for at least 8 hours in one day

Soil Nutrients

This land should also have good soil nutrient content so that plants can grow optimally.  Soil that contains a lot of Al can cause poisoning in plants.  While the acidity should be in the soil range of 5.5-6.8

Water Supply

Around the land there must be an abundant source of water, so that the plants do not dry out easily and wither when there is a lack of water.

For planting on large areas, it is better to loosen the soil using a tractor.  The goal is to maximize nutrients in the soil, kill weeds, and smooth the soil surface so that it can be easily formed into several beds.

The next step is to make beds with rows between irrigation.  The height of the beds can be 10-20 cm so that the soil does not dry out quickly and lack water.

Then, the land can be given compost to make it more fertile.  The surface of the bed is then covered with plastic mulch to prevent weed growth.

This plastic mulch can be perforated according to the spacing, then make a planting hole of 40-50 cm.  Planting should be done in the afternoon simultaneously so that the plants can grow simultaneously.

Furthermore, irrigation on ciplukan is done at least once a week.  Dry soil conditions will cause ciplukan to quickly wither and dry.  While fertilization can be done at the beginning of planting, then done regularly every three weeks.

After understanding how to plant ciplukan, don't forget to know the harvest period.  The characteristics of ready-to-harvest ciplukan are, have a brownish yellow color and ripe fruit evenly on the entire surface of the bed.  Harvesting is generally done once every 5-10 days.

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