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Gotu Kola for Medication: Directions for Use and Planting it

Gotu kola contains Asiatic Acid compounds which function to regenerate damaged nerves.  In simple language gotu kola is efficacious to prevent senile dementia.  So consuming gotu kola is suitable for elderly people.

Directions for use

Dry gotu kola leaves, either in the oven or in the sun.  After that take one to two teaspoons of dried gotu kola leaves and brew it with hot water for 10 to 15 minutes.  Drink the infusion of gotu kola leaves 3 times a day and should only be consumed by people over 18 years of age.

How to Grow it

Like bay tree, gotu kola is basically one type of herbaceous plant, which is now in great demand to be planted by various groups.  This plant is also very easy to find in various locations, considering how to grow gotu kola is not difficult.

The most important thing in planting gotu kola is to find the right planting area, at the right time, and well cared for.  As for the details of the process of planting these plants, you can see the full explanation below.

Prepare the Seeds

To plant gotu kola, first you need to prepare the seeds first.  These seeds can come from the seeds of these plants.  It's just that, if you use seeds, later growth will be slower.

In addition to using seeds, to plant this plant you can use a vegetative method that utilizes the saplings of the plant.  Use seeds with the parent criteria already having an age of approximately one year.

Before starting to plant, you can sow the seeds for a few weeks.  This seeding can use media in the form of small polybags containing soil and fertilizer.  Do not forget that seeding is done in the sun.

However, in this case, if you want to be more practical, you can actually buy gotu kola seeds that are ready to be planted.  In this way, you can avoid the risk of seedling failure.

Prepare Land Suitable for gotu kola

Before starting to apply the method of planting gotu kola seeds into the planting media, which has successfully developed, first prepare the land that will be used for planting.

It would be better if the land you choose has a temperature of approximately 20-25 degrees.  In addition, this plant is suitable to grow in an environment with humidity between 70-90%.  As for the pH of the soil, it will be better if it is in the number 6 to 7.

Set the Ideal Distance For Plants

This one plant requires adequate water intake so it would be better if planted in the rainy season.  In addition, make sure that the distance between the plants is ideal, and that the land is properly laid out and prepared before planting.

However, because it is generally planted in the rainy season, of course this will be prone to causing puddles.  Therefore, make preparations beforehand by making drainage channels.

As for the distance per plant that must be set when arranging these beds is 20-25 cm. However, if you don't plant it in a bed, and use a medium in the form of water, then this distance can be adjusted as you like.

Do Planting

If the seeds have been sown and the land preparation or planting media is ready, now is the time to plant.  Do this planting as you would other plant seeds.  For the location of planting can follow the distance that has been set on the bed.

Taking Care After Planting

Actually, you don't have to take special care of this plant.  The main thing is just to make sure the water needs are sufficient.  So, if planting is done in the rainy season, it looks like this main thing will be fulfilled well.  However, don't let the plants get waterlogged.

Next, you can add nutrients in the form of organic fertilizer to the plants.  Embroidering on dead seedlings can also be done when the planting is still early.  If the need for water for plants is less, you can water them and make sure to do weeding too.

It's actually easy, isn't it, how to plant gotu kola?  Especially if you do have the right resistance, and a humid living area, according to the needs of this plant.  However, make sure after planting it, take good care of the plant, so that it can grow perfectly.

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