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Jatropha for Medication: Directions for Use and How to Grow it

Among the efficacy of the Jatropha plant are anti-inflammatory, laxative or purgative action, correction of prolapse, antineoplastic or anti-cancer, eliminates toxins.  The parts used are seeds, roots, leaves and oil from the seeds.

Among the efficacy of the Jatropha plant are anti-inflammatory, laxative or purgative action, correction of prolapse, antineoplastic or anti-cancer, eliminates toxins.  The parts used are seeds, roots, leaves and oil from the seeds.

Directions for use

1. Scabs

Cut 20 seeds, remove the skin, mash them into a porridge, add a little salt and stir until smooth.  Paste it on the part of the body that has scabs 2 times a day. You can also relieve allergies using moringa.

2. Prolapse of the uterus and rectum

Mash the castor seeds and attach them to the PAI HUI point located on the head.

3. Retention of the placenta

Mash the castor seeds and place them on the YUNGCHUAN acupuncture points located in the middle of the soles of the feet.

4. Facial muscle paralysis

Mash castor seeds, attach to the mandible and the arch of the mouth once a day for 10 days.

How to Grow it

Jatropha plants do have many benefits both for health, to be used as fuel.  This makes distance very attractive.  However, do you know how to plant castor trees?  Here are some steps that you can apply.

First Pay Attention to the Planting Location

Before planting jatropha you must pay attention to several elements for the growth of these plants.  These important elements include climate and soil conditions with the criteria being at an altitude of 500 meters above sea level and very little rain quality to ensure the quality of the distance.

Jatropha is generally resistant to temperatures around 20 degrees with adequate drainage area.  This is important to prevent water build-up that could hinder the growth of the distance.

Do Nursery

If you have found the location, now is the time to select the seeds.  To produce quality jatropha, you must select superior seeds.  Good castor seeds are usually taken from trees with a life span of 5 years and over.

Another stipulation of seed selection is that the parent tree is woody and the trunk is straight.  After finding superior seeds, cut the tree a distance of about 30 cm with a tapered tip then the sap is gone.  Make sure the seeds are in the shade so they don't dry out.

In general, jatropha planting is done by cuttings to speed up the growth process.  Jatropha trees need to be planted in soil media with the addition of organic fertilizer and sand.  After the media is complete, the jatropha stems that have been cut can be planted.

When the nursery process, try to plant the distance in the shade that is blocked by direct sunlight.  You can do the nursery process in polybags by watering 3 times a day.

Prepare the Land for Planting

The next way to plant jatropha trees is to prepare the land.  So, after the nursery process, you can wait for the jatropha plant to grow and be ready, by preparing the planting area.

This is important to ensure that the distance has a planting area in the fast cuttings period.  After the land is ready, you can make holes for planting with a diameter of about 30 cm and give organic fertilizer about 2 kg per hole.

Then, adjust the distance between the holes about 200 cm to prepare a place when the distance starts to increase in volume.  In order for jatropha plants to develop optimally, you can ignore this ready soil until the seeds are ready to be planted in the field.

Move Plants to Field

After the castor plant grows and is ready for planting about 2 months after seeding, you can transplant it.  Before moving, pay attention to the condition of healthy plants from pests and plant weeds that can damage their quality.

The process of transplanting jatropha must be carried out carefully so that the roots of the young plants are not damaged when inserted into the soil hole.  Also make sure the jatropha is planted about 10 cm in the soil and water the surface to help the jatropha adapt to the humidity.

Do Treatment

Finally, after planting, of course, the castor plant must be cared for properly so that its growth is maximized.  A good jatropha tree usually has a good drainage system because it generally lives in an environment with low humidity levels.

If the drainage system is not properly cared for, the roots of jatropha tend to be damaged and rot.  This one plant also doesn't like other annoying plants, so make sure you do regular weeding.

In addition to the weeding process, you also need to trim branches, twigs, and jatropha branches that are not necessary in the treatment process.  Usually, jatropha growers prune this tree to ensure even growth.  Jatropha trees can be pruned about 1 year after the planting period ends.

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