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Betel for Medication: Directions for Use and How to Grow it

The content in betel are butylphenol sesquiterpene, starch, diarase, sugar, tannic substances and kavikol.

Such of reeds, betel also has many benefits, including: to treat sore eyes, eczema, bad breath, itchy skin, bleeding gums, bronchitis, removing acne, nosebleeds, heart disease, ulcers, vaginal discharge, thrush, syphilis, allergies, diarrhea, toothache.

The part used is the leaf.

Directions for Use

1. Reducing excessive breast milk

4 pieces of betel leaf smeared with coconut oil then baked.  While still warm, stick it around the breasts.

2. Vaginal discharge

7 to 10 betel leaves boiled with two and a half liters of water until boiling.  The boiled water of the betel leaf is used to clean around the genitals repeatedly when the water is still warm.

3. Heartache

Prepare 3 pieces of betel leaf, 7 pairs of cubeb seeds, 3 cloves of red onion, a tablespoon of cumin, pounded until smooth, add 5 tablespoons of hot water.  Leave for a few minutes then squeeze and strain.  Drink 2 times a day and must be done regularly.

4. Syphilis

25-30 betel leaves and stems, 0.25 kg of palm sugar and salt to taste, boiled with 2 liters of water until boiling.  Then strain.  Drink continuously 3 times a day.

5. Allergies

6 pieces of betel leaf, 1 piece of yellow ginger, one and a half tablespoons of eucalyptus oil pounded together until smooth.  Apply on the itchy body part.

6. Diarrhea

Prepare 4 to 6 pieces of betel leaf, 6 peppercorns, a tablespoon of coconut oil pounded together until smooth.  Then rub on the stomach.

7. Stopping bleeding gums

4 pieces of betel leaf boiled with 2 cups of water to boiling point, wait until it cools down, use the water to rinse your mouth.  Repeat regularly until healed.

8. Stopping nose bleeds

Prepare 1 sheet of betel leaf, then roll it while pressing so that the oil comes out.  Use it to plug a bleeding nose.

9. Painful cavities

Use 1 sheet of betel leaf and then boil it with 2 cups of water until it boils.  Wait until the water is cold.  Use to rinse regularly repeated until healed.  Or you can use 2 pieces of kneaded betel leaf, half a spoon of salt and then brew it with 1 cup of hot water.  Stir until the salt dissolves, let it cool.  This water is also used for gargling.

10. Bronchitis

Prepare 7 pieces of betel leaf then chopped.  Boil the chopped betel leaf with one rock sugar and 2 cups of water until it boils, try to keep only 1 cup of water left.  Then strain.  Drink 3 times a day 3 tablespoons.

11. Cough

a.  4 pieces of betel leaf boiled with 2 cups of water to boil.  After a cold use to gargle repeat regularly until healed.

b.  4 pieces of betel leaf boiled with 2 cups of water to boiling point. After cooling, use it to rinse regularly again until healed.

c.  4 pieces of betel leaf, 3 leaves of Widoro Peel and honey to taste, sliced, then boiled with 2 cups of water until boiling.  After a cold use to rinse regularly repeated.

How to Grow it

Betel plants are quite popular because they have important properties for health, one of which can heal wounds and is a diabetes drug.  Cultivating the famous betel is quite difficult.  For that, see the following reviews to find out some ways to plant betel that are good and right.

Planting Betel with the Bowing Technique

This technique is commonly used for the cultivation of red betel and black betel.  The tools and materials needed consist of soil, compost, sand, fertilizer, knives, betel vines, and water.

The first step for planting is to prepare a planting medium of soil, compost, fertilizer, and sand with a ratio of 3:3:1:1.  Next, prepare the vines of the betel plant that are long enough, then adjust the tendrils so that they stick directly to the surface of the growing media.

After that, please do watering regularly 2-3 times a day.  The vines that begin to take root in the planting medium need to be cut to prevent the failure of the betel to grow using this method.  If the betel is almost 4 weeks old, please move the betel to a large and bright area.

Planting Betel with Water Cutting Technique

How to plant betel with water cuttings technique requires water, betel vines and a jar.  The first step is to prepare a jar filled with clean water.

If possible, the volume is half the height of the jar.  Then, also prepare the tendrils that have been cut previously, then put them in the water.

When inserting the vines into the water, try not to let the betel leaves be submerged in water, because it will cause the planting technique to fail or the betel not to grow.  The indicator of the success of this technique is the appearance of fibrous roots at the age of 4-6 weeks.  If successful, transplanting is done immediately.

Planting Betel Using Soil Media Directly

How to plant betel directly in the ground can be started by preparing soil, sand and compost with a composition of 5:5:2.  Put all the media into the pot and mix it evenly.

The substrate needs to be watered with a small amount of water to keep the surface moist.  Then, insert the stem of the betel vine about 6-8 cm deep in the soil.

Betel Plant Care

Betel is a type of plant that propagates upward.  When the vine is long enough, it should be directed to entangle the support plant.

This could use a long wooden stick if there are no hedges around.  This is so that the tendrils of the betel will grow in length and the number of leaves will be more.

Fertilization needs to be done periodically at the beginning of planting, 2 weeks after planting (mst), 4 mst and 6-8 mst.  Betel plants that are not fertilized will look pale, the leaves are wrinkled, susceptible to pests and the leaves are not thick.  For optimal results, fertilization can be done regularly once a month.

Betel plants are also very susceptible to pests and diseases such as caterpillars, grasshoppers which cause the surface of the leaves to have holes, tendrils to dry out, and the leaves turn yellow so the plants look unhealthy.  Immediately overcome this by spraying enough pesticides.

When there are betel diseased, the leaves should be removed or picked.  Disease attacks on betel plants can easily spread, so that many parts of the leaves wither and die.  To prevent this, it is necessary to do periodic pruning about once a week.

Betel Harvest Time

The age of betel harvest is usually 6 months, in order to obtain dense and easy to pick leaves.  Choose 3-4 betel leaves to be harvested by picking the base of the leaf.  Harvesting should be done in the morning because the leaves are in fresh condition, and suitable for sale.

It's quite easy, isn't it, how to plant betel with the duck technique, water cuttings, and using soil media directly?  To better understand it you can practice directly at home.

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